Chivalry Remembered in the UK: The Old Poles and the New
The “Old Poles” vs. the “New Poles” in the U.K., and where the twain shall meet.
The “Old Poles” vs. the “New Poles” in the U.K., and where the twain shall meet.
Joanna Szupinska recounts the wonderful moment in history in 1981 that united workers, students and artists to create a multi-layered exhibition and proposed an altogether new social and political reality. The values of that group continue to influence the mission of the Lodz Biennale.
The artist’s work reveals “A fascination with woman and with questions about her nature and magnetism…”
Ian Wojtowicz staged his work, “The Betweeners” at Montreal’s Skol in April 2010.
The coal patch town of Lattimer, Pennsylvania was the scene of one of the most deadly attacks by the coal companies against the defenseless miners and their families. Vince Chesney tells this story with special tribute to “Big Mary” Steptak, an immigrant whose eloquent oratory in several Slavic languages united the miners in their struggle for basic rights.
She spent the final quarter of her graduate journalism program in Medill’s Washington DC newsroom. A few highlights from Justine Jablonska’s 12-week adventure in the U.S. capital.
A brief holiday in Pelican Bay is a bit like a visit to paradise. But this earthly paradise comes at a price, muses Kinia Adamczyk, a price too high for many long time residents who are forced to move.